Table of Contents

Seminar, Spring 2009

This course consists of a series of speeches (mostly in Mandarin Chinese) by researchers, experts, and managers from the public and private sectors that are related to the field of Information Technology and Management. Its purpose is to expose the students to current topics and issues in the subject field. Each talk will be about 70 to 80 minutes long, followed by a 10 to 20 minutes discussion session. The main themes for this semester are “Software Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship” and “Computer and Information Security”.



Yih-Kuen Tsay (蔡益坤), NTU IM Dept., 3366-1189, (between the enclosing pair of X's).


Friday 2:20~4:20PM, Room 104, Management I.


The students are required to a) attend all talks, b) actively participate in discussions, and c) write reviews (one to two pages per review/talk) for any 8 talks between 2/20 and 5/29 (inclusive). Each review is due by 2:10PM of the Friday following the reviewed talk. Please use A4 (or similar size) paper. Drop your review in Yih-Kuen Tsay’s mail box by its due time on the first floor of Building II, College of Management. Late submissions will be penalized by 20% for each working day over due.

Date Title Speaker
02/20 Socio-organizational Context of IS Security [slides] 許瑋元 教授, 台大資管系
02/27 由新聞事件探討資安威脅趨勢及ICST業務介紹 [slides] 劉培文 主任, 行政院國家資通安全會報技術服務中心(ICST)
03/06 資訊軟體服務之創新與永續 [slides] 張培鏞 執行長, 叡揚資訊
03/13 What They Don't Tell You—Practical Knowledge and Hands-On Experiences for Young Founders 黃耀文 執行長, 美商阿碼科技
03/20 Human-Centric Automation and Assistive Devices: Opportunities and Challenges 張韻詩(Jane Liu) 講座研究員, 中研院 資訊所
03/27 (於02/27原訂停課時間補課) N/A
04/03 (溫書假) N/A
04/10 資訊安全風險管理 [slides] 查士朝 教授, 台科大資管系
04/17 替代演講:Psychology of Security(地點:台灣大學應用力學研究所國際會議廳;請儘早向主辦單位TWISC@NCKU報名) Bruce Schneier
04/24 Recent Issues in Data Mining 陳銘憲 特聘研究員, 中研院 資訊科技創新研究中心 & 台大電機系 教授
05/01 資安國際品牌的創意行銷之路 洪偉淦 總經理, 趨勢科技
05/08 The Determinants and Outcomes of Internet Banking Adoption 陳佩瑜 教授, 美國Temple大學
05/15 從電腦鑑識看惡意程式偵測與防制 叢培侃 巡官, 內政部警政署 資訊室
05/22 IT Governance 蕭正平 講座教授, 美國伊利諾大學
05/29 (端午節調整放假) N/A
06/05 CT-Exploit: Controllable Taintedness for Automated Exploit Generator 黃世昆 教授, 交大資工系
06/12 Web 2.0 世代的資安議題 陳昇瑋 助研究員, 中研院 資訊所
06/19 (期末考週) N/A


Attendance 40%, Discussion Participation 20%, Reviews 40%.


Tabitha Tsai (蔡依珊), 3366-1205, (between the enclosing pair of X's).